======================================================================== README.TXT Musicware Piano DEMO SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: A 386/486/Pentium PC running Windows 3.1 or higher equipped with a soundcard with the soundcard's Windows MIDI and Synth drivers installed. If you are unsure about this portion, consult your soundcard's user's manual or contact their technical support line. A MIDI adapter cable is not needed to run the demo, but is required (along with a MIDI keyboard) to demonstrate MIDI input for the exercises. INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION: If you acquired this demo by means of a DEMO DISK: Place the demo disk in drive a:. From Program Manager in Windows, select "File", "Run" and type a:\setup then press enter. If you acquired this demo by downloading if from a BBS or INTERNET: Unzip the contents of the file to a high density floppy and follow the steps described above for floppy disk installation. TO "UN-INSTALL" THE DEMO: Simply delete all files in the directory to which you installed the DEMO (usually C:\MWARE\DEMOS). SETUP does not install files in the \WINDOWS or the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. You will have to manually delete the "Musicware DEMOs" Program Group from your Program Manager. A NOTE TO RETAILERS You can "customize" the demo greeting window that is presented when you run the DEMO, to provide contact information for customers. You can do this by editing the INI file on the DEMO INSTALLATION disk. Simply change the entries labelled "retailCaption0" through "retailCaption6" under the section "[Demo]". Example [Demo] retailCaption0="Joes Software Store" retailCaption1="1234 Anystreet, AnyCity, AnyCountry" retailCaption2="Phone 1-999-555-1212" retailCaption3="Come into Joes Software store to see Musicware PIANO." retailCaption4="While you are there, check out our selection of" retailCaption5="MIDI Keyboards and Multimedia SoundCards" retailCaption6="To get you up and running!" This will cause the above information to be presented when the user first runs the Piano Demo. OBTAINING TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR THIS DEMO: Telephone technical support can be obtained by calling 1-206-881-1419. Technical support is also offered through CompuServe. Musicware's Internet ID# is 75162,433@compuserve.com. The World Wide Web URL is http://www.halcyon.com/musicware/ In the subject line, please put "DEMO tech support." Please DO NOT CALL THE 800 number for technical support. This number is for sales only and is answered by sales people who will be unable to help you with technical problems. OPERATION OF THE DEMO: The demo is self running, but will allow you the user to interact with it. Should the program be left unattended for a period of time, it will automatically advance to the next screen. This period of time defaults to 12.5 seconds. It can be adjusted by changing the "demoInterval" setting in the [Demo] section of the MPIANO.INI file located in the installation directory [normally, c:\mware\demos] on your hard disk. The setting is in units of milliseconds and can be set as high as 60 seconds (setting of 60000) but not lower than 5 seconds (setting of 5000). If the setting is made less than 5000, it is ignored and defaults to 5000, except if it is zero, then the self-running feature is disabled. DISABLING THE ORDER FORM: You may disable the on-line order form by changing the "showOrderForm" variable in the MPIANO.INI, section [Demo]. Change the line "showOrderForm=" to "showOrderForm=0". Any non-zero value will enable this feature. ======================================================================== README.TXT Musicware Piano 2.0 The information contained in this file is current as of December 6th, 1995. It contains the latest information on this version of Musicware Piano. Consequently, the information in this document may supersede information presented elsewhere. ======================================================================== PRODUCT INFORMATION, PRICING, and ORDER FORM Additional information regarding Musicware products is available at the end of this file. Along with pricing information and an order form. This information is current as of the date mentioned above. Pricing and availability may differ over time. ======================================================================== GENERAL INFORMATION Musicware maintains a page on the World Wide Web (WWW). This page has up to the minute information on technical support and information about Musicware products. Musicware's WWW address is: http://www.halcyon.com/musicware/ Desktop Managers Some systems manufactured by major computer companies come with desktop managers which run "on top" of Windows. If you are using a desktop manager over Windows you may experience problems after installing Musicware products. To avoid any potential problems temporarily disable the desktop manager before installing Musicware. For information on disabling the desktop manager you will need to conact the manufacturer of the computer. Installation Information Musicware products do not make changes to SYSTEM.INI, WIN.INI, AUTOEXEC.BAT, or CONFIG.SYS, nor do they install, remove or alter any drivers. The files listed below are installed by Musicware products to C:\WINDOWS and C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM. These files may have been previously installed and used by other applications (with the execption of MWARE.INI) so it is not recommended that you delete any of the files that install to C:\Windows\System. All other files install to C:\MWARE. To uninstall Piano or Songs, delete the MWARE directory and remove the program group from Program Manager. Directory of C:\Windows MWARE.INI (products w/ midi player only) Directory of C:\Windows\System ***Piano and Carols VBRUN300.DLL DWVSTAMP.VBX GRID.VBX IMVB3.VBX THREED.VBX ***Carols MSAFINX.DLL COMPOBJ.DLL OLE2.DLL OLE2CONV.DLL OLE2DISP.DLL OLE2NLS.DLL OLE2PROX.DLL STORAGE.DLL TYPELIB.DLL OLE2.REG STDOLE.TLB Musicware products use the temporary directory set in the Autoexec.bat file during installation. Problems can arise if the temp variable is set to a directory that contains system files, or files that shouldn't be deleted. A temporary directory is considered "fair game" and should not be used to store any files that should not be deleted. It is recommended that a separate directory be created off of the root to be used as temporary storage for programs. After creating the directory, set the temporary variable in the Autoexec.bat to the temporary directory. Example: SET TEMP=C:\TEMP ======================================================================== FEATURE INFORMATION Sustain Pedal can be used as "GO ON" If your MIDI keyboard supports a sustain pedal, you can now use it to issue the "GO ON" command in Musicware Piano. Extra INI settings "offerKeyboardTranspose" INI setting (0 = disabled, -1 = enabled)- By setting this to "-1" the Keyboard Transpose setting will be added to your Advanced Midi Setup options. This option will increase or decrease the notes you enter by one full octave. This allows you to play at different positions on the keyboard, or, in case you have a keyboard with a different octave layout. "offerDeviceVolume" INI setting (0 = disabled, -1 = enabled)- By setting this to "-1" the Device Volume setting will be added to your Advanced Midi Setup options. This will adjust the overall volume of your sound device. In the same fashion as turning the volume knob on your keyboard. NOTE: Some MIDI devices do not support this feature. ======================================================================= HARDWARE INFORMATION Packard Bell Sound Cards Some Packard Bell sound cards are not configured properly for MIDI in Windows. As a result, MIDI In will not work. To set up the drivers: Run the diagnostic or configuration program for the sound card in DOS (located in the directory that contains the files installed by the sound card). Write down the settings - IRQ, Port address, DMA Go into Windows Control Panel, Drivers Highlight the sound card driver (usually called "16 bit Audio Driver") Click on Setup Make sure the settings match the settings from the diagnostic in DOS If MIDI in still isn't working, refer to the sound card manual for changing hardware settings and try using a different interrupt (IRQ) for MIDI (MPU-401) or contact Packard Bell Creative Labs The new AWE-32 has tested successfully with Musicware Products using Universal MIDI cable. The AWE-32 is also General MIDI compatible. Older 8-bit Sound Blaster boards with a DSP chip of less than 2.0 will not support MIDI. These cards must be upgraded to DSP 2.0 or better. They utilize the Sound Blaster 1.0 drivers in Windows, these drivers will not support MIDI. To check the DSP version run the test for the board in the sub directory where sound card information is installed. This test will show the version number for the DSP chip. If less that version 2.0 call Creative Labs at 1-800-998-1000 and ask for the new DSP 2.0 version chip and updated Windows drivers for the board. IBM Easy Options IBM Easy Options sound cards are compatible with the Pro Audio Spectrum and thus may experience some of the same cable problems as the Media Vision cards. If you have an IBM Easy Options model WAK 993 you may need to get a different cable for Midi In to work. Either a "Midi Mate" or a Universal midi cable from Musicware should solve the problem. Ensoniq Soundscape and Compatibles The new Ensoniq Soundscape has tested successfully with Musicware products using any Sound Blaster compatible MIDI cable. The Soundscape also supports General MIDI. Aztech Boards Aztech Boards with a DSP 31 chip have a problem with midi-in. Their Tech support is aware of this and will give an RMA number so people can return their cards to get a DSP 38 chip on the card. The Windows drivers below 2.41 also have some problems with Midi-in. Aztech's tech line: (510) 623-8988 Reveal Sound Cards This sound card does not set up the DMA address and IRQ in Windows. You need to run their test program at DOS in the Utility sub-directory which is a under their main directory. The name of this test is usually SG2, SG3, SG4, or SG5. It will test midi-in and midi-out at the DOS level and also tell you the IRQ and Address. Then set Windows to the same IRQ and DMA address for the sound card in the Control Panel-Drivers. Media Vision Pro-Audio Line These sound cards appear to require the midi cable made by Media Vision which is called the Midi-mate. You can purchase the Midi-mate at your local computer store or contact Media Vision at 1-800-684-6699. We have found in our testing that boards which were released prior to mid 1992 and earlier seem to run ok with most any midi cable and do not require the Midi-mate. We have no exact cut-off date for this as we are still unsure of what exactly changed on the board to require a special midi cable. We do see the occasional dropped or hung note with this card even with a Midi-mate. Information obtained from Media Vision's forum on CompuServe stated that they have a problem with the MVD101 chip on the Pro Audio family and will be fixing this in the ProSonic, Memphis, and XL line. Logitech SoundMan This card will need a special midi cable which is called the Midi-Mate. Contact Logitech at (510)795-8100 for more information. Gravis UltraSound This card will need a special midi cable, the Gravis Midi Adapter cable, which is made by Advanced Gravis. MIDI Cable Extensions If the 4' cable that ships with Piano is not long enough you may be able to extend the length using straight through MIDI cables which can be purchased at some computer stores or music stores that carry electronic equipment. Some setups will not work with cables longer than 4'. YAMAHA PSR-310, PSR410 and PSR-510 users. The recommended Settings for your piano keyboard and Musicware PIANO are: On your YAMAHA Keyboard 1. Make sure the keyboard is in multi mode: Press the [RECEIVE CH/CL/COM] button Press the [+/-] button to the right of the number buttons until the number to the left in the display reads "1" 2. Disable the keyboards internal clock: Press the [RECEIVE CH/CL/COM] button until the display shows "Ecl" or "dcl" Use the [+/-] button to the right of the number buttons to set it to "Ecl" The settings remain constant until you unplug or remove batteries from the keyboard. In the MIDI Setup of Musicware PIANO 1. Receive all channels 2. MIDI Thru Off 3. ECHO MIDI Off 4. For PSR410 and PSR-510 users select the following In the Advanced MIDI Setup of Musicware PIANO a. "Keyboard supports General MIDI" b. Use General MIDI drum patches. ============================================================================= ERROR MESSAGES "File version conflict exists" Musicware PIANO and SONGS checks file versions of required DLLs and VBXs needed to run. If PIANO detects an older version, it will display a "File Version Conclicts Exist" and list the files that were detected "out of date". You can choose to continue and run the program however, there is the risk that the program may not run properly. What causes file conflicts? This error can occur if the user reinstalls an older version of PIANO over an install of a newer version. Also, some Disk Doublers (such as Doublespace and Stacker), and File management utilities under Windows cause the date and time stamp (used by some files for version detection) to be modified when they should not be (this is a fault of the Disk Doubler or File system, not PIANOs install program). This can cause the file version conflict message. What can you do? To be absouletly sure that the latest versions of the EXEs, DLLs and VBXs are installed. Delete *.DLL *.EXE and *.VBX from the PIANO installation directory. And install the MOST RECENT VERSION of PIANO you have. If you still get the error message and are confident that the latest EXEs DLLs and VBXs are installed, you can override the version detection function by specifying the parameter "/NOVER" in the PIANO icon's properties in the program manager. The steps to do this are: 1. Select the PIANO icon in the Musicware Group in your Program Manager 2. Pull down the "File" menu and select "Properties" 3. Append the text "/NOVER" to the "Command Line" field. 4. Do the same for the SONGS icon. "Type Mismatch" This message can occur if the International settings in Windows Control Panel are not set the same for country, language, and keyboard layout. ======================================================================== README NOTES FOR PIANO 1.0 - OCTOBER 12, 1993 ======================================================================== DIRECTING SOUND THROUGH SOUND CARD SPEAKERS (SOUND BLASTER AND COMPATIBLE SOUND BOARD USERS) All Sound Blasters and nearly all Sound Blaster compatible boards come with Voyetra Technologies' Super SAPI FM Synth driver. This essentially turns your sound board into a MIDI synthesizer complete with 128 voices. These sounds may be used in place of your keyboard's sounds, and will direct sound through speakers attached to your sound card. Here are the steps to configure Musicware Piano to use those voices: 1. Run Musicware Piano 2. From the Student List Screen, pull down the Setup menu and select 'Midi'. 3. On the right hand side of the Midi Setup screen is the section for output devices. Select the "Voyetra Super SAPI FM Synth". 4. On the left hand side of the Midi Setup Screen is the section for input devices. At the bottom of this section select the "MIDI Thru" check box. 5. Click the OK Button. You should now hear sound from your sound board's speakers as you play the MIDI keyboard. If you do not, check to following: 1. The speakers are plugged into the proper jack on the back of the sound card (usually called 'line out'). 2. The "Line Out" levels of your sound board are up (some cards actually have a volume control on the back or control their volume by a "mixer" program supplied with the sound board). 3. The MIDI connections are as described in the Users Guide of Musicware Piano. For questions about 1 and 2 refer to your sound card's users guide. NOTE: Musicware Piano will not select Voyetra Super SAPI FM Synth for MIDI out by default, unless it is the only MIDI out device installed in Windows. SOUND BLASTER 16 W/WAVE BLASTER USERS If you wish to use the on-board sound capabilities of the Wave Blaster, the Wave Blaster control panel (supplied with the Wave Blaster from Creative Labs) must be running and Voices uploaded to the Wave Blaster board prior to running Musicware Piano. REGULAR SOUND BLASTER AND COMPATIBLE BOARDS In order to use the on-board sound capabilities of the sound card, you will have to purchase a "Patch Manager" for your sound card. This patch manager generally needs to be run and have sounds loaded before Musicware Piano is run. These patch managers may be supplied by your sound card manufacturer. There are also third-party makers of patch managers such as those from Voyetra Technologies. If you want the sound to play through speakers attached to your sound card, see the instructions above titled "DIRECTING SOUND THROUGH SOUND CARD SPEAKERS". SHOULD MUSICWARE PIANO STOP RESPONDING TO PIANO KEYBOARD INPUT Try pressing the escape key. Some Sound Cards have been known to occasionally drop MIDI information coming in from the MIDI keyboard. This will sometimes cause Musicware Piano to "wait" and look for particular MIDI information. Pressing the escape key will reset Musicware Piano back to the Student Activity Screen. ============================================================================ PRODUCT INFORMATION and PRICING Musicware Courses Musicware Courses One through Three teach a complete curriculum for beginning and intermediate piano students. They have received a four-star rating from PC Magazine, an Award of Excellence from Technology and Learning and rave reviews from the most important audience of all--our customers. Course One Complete first year piano with 50 songs, 250 lessons and 2,500 learning exercises. Develops ear training, sight reading and rhythm skills. Teaches music notation. Includes a songbook with fifty songs to learn Course Two Second year piano with 250 lessons and 2,500 exercises. Continues to develop ear training, sight reading and more advanced rhythm skills. Includes a songbook with fifty songs. Course Three Third year piano, including 40 songs, 250 lessons and 2,500 exercises. Teaches pop, rock, jazz and classical styles. Advanced ear training, rhythm, sight reading and music theory. Musicware's songbooks come complete with fully-orchestrated midi files and Musicware's latest song player, including its unique educational guide technology. You'll learn to play, arrange, and sing-along with your favorite tunes in no time at all. Pop Hits Of The '80's & '90's * The Wind Beneath My Wings * Friends & Lovers (Both to Each Other) * Saving All my Love for You * When a Man Loves a Woman * (Everything I Do) I Do It for You * Higher Love * One Moment in Time * One More Night * A Groovy Kind of Love Rock 'N Pop Hits * Crazy For You * Another Day in Paradise * On My Own * Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You * La Bamba * That's What Friends Are For * Can't Fight This Feeling * Save the Best for Last * I'll Still Be Loving You NEW! Musicware Song Packs Musicware's Song Packs each include dozens of lessons and professionally arranged accompaniments which make it easy and fun to learn your favorite tunes. Christmas Carols * Joy to the World * Deck the Halls * O Come All Ye Faithful * We Wish You a Merry Christmas * Angels We Have Heard on High * O Christmas Tree * Silent Night * We Three Kings of Orient * The First Noel * Up On the Housetop * Away in a Manger * Jolly Old St. Nicholas Hymns * A Mighty Fortress Is Our God * Christ the Lord is Risen Today * For the Beauty of the Earth * Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow * Come, Ye Thankful People * Onward, Christian Soldiers * Nearer, My God, to Thee * America the Beautiful * Rock of Ages * Sweet Hour of Prayer * Abide with Me! * Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens Adore Him (In Humility, Our Savior) Folk Classics 1 * Frere Jacques * German Waltz * Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be? * The Cuckoo * Hot Cross Buns * I Know Where I'm Going * Du, Du, Liegst Mir im Herzen * Love Somebody * J'ai du Bon Tabac * Sweetly Sings the Donkey * Ode to Joy * Good Night Ladies Classical Pop 2 * Give My Regards to Broadway * Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built for Two) * You're a Grand Old Flag * The Band Played On * Take Me Out to the Ball Game * The Cruel War * Toyland * Yankee Doodle Boy * The Entertainer * Liebestraum (I Dream of Love) * Bill Bailey * Meet Me in St. Louis ============================================================================= Musicware Order Form Suggested Your Courses Retail Price Price Total Course One Upgrade $39.95 ** Course One $149.95 $79.95 Course Two $119.95 $79.95 Course Three $119.95 $79.95 Course Four (1st half) $119.95 $59.95 Musicware Song Packs Christmas Carols $59.95 $29.95 Folk Classics One $49.95 $29.95 Classical Pop Two $49.95 $29.95 Favorite Hymns $49.95 $29.95 New! Song Books with MIDI Files and Song Player Rock N' Pop Hits $49.95 $39.95 Equipment Universal MIDI Adapter Cable $49.95 $29.95 Subtotal Shipping & Handling $5.00 WA residents add 8.2% sales tax Sales Tax Total ** For version 1.07 or earlier and BLASTER KEYS users only. Upgrades first half to complete version of Course One. Order Now! To Order any Musicware product... Call: 1-800-99-PIANO (1-800-997-4266) Or print this form and send it to us: Fax: 1-206-881-9664 Mail: Musicware, PO Box 2882, Redmond, WA 98073-9962 Credit Card: __ Visa __ MasterCard Card #: Expiration Date: Signature: Name: Ship To: Phone: